Columbia City Gallery Celebrates 25 Years

It was 25 years ago that five South End artists came together and decided that Columbia City needed an art gallery – a local venue for showing and selling their art.

Two of those original five are still members of the gallery:  Joan Robbins and Annie Moorehouse.  At that time, SEED (South East Effective Development) had recently created a Southeast Seattle Arts Council with Jerri Plumridge at the helm. They set up the gallery as an arts program of SEED, which had already worked tirelessly for many years for the development of Columbia City businesses and affordable housing.  With 20-some additional artists, the gallery’s official opening was on May 15, 1999.

The community immediately embraced the arrival of this cultural addition in its original location in part of what is now the Columbia Theater. As more artists joined the gallery, their reputation and visitorship grew, and in 2003 when their building was sold, SEED mounted a capital campaign to purchase the former stationery store where the gallery now resides. Along with its new location, the gallery acquired a manager – Kathy Fowells, who is now the Director of SEEDArts. Much work needed to be done in order to renovate the space and make it gallery-worthy! SEED and every artist member pitched in and created the light-filled, lofty space it is today.  

Over the years, the gallery has hosted community exhibits featuring many of the area’s accomplished and emerging artists and further afforded opportunity for more local artists and artisans in its gift shop. We are proud of all our artists and what we’ve accomplished, and immensely grateful to all those who have supported us!

Please join in the festivities on September 14 at the gallery. The evening will include a reception for the new exhibits and an anniversary celebration filled with memories, tributes, stories, and cake. Get details